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Awakening Sovereignty ✩ SPRING Immersion ✩ Urban Retreat

  • fys:jo Prinsesse Maries Allé 17 Frederiksberg Denmark (kort)
awakening sovereignty

Spring Immersion

Urban retreat in Copenhagen
Jan 31 - Feb 2 + March 14, 2020

When the Earth begins to stir again and re-awaken from the winter, we too, must start to move from the dark towards the light. It will be the threshold of a new beginning and new life.
The Spring Immersion corresponds to the element of Air, the direction of East, the Maiden, pre-ovulation and first Quarter Moon.

Through various different practices, like yoga, rituals, self care, embodied movement, shadow work, Goddess wisdom, contemplation exercises, journaling and more. You will aligning your life with the natural cycles of the season and the moon, to unlock your inherited feminine wisdom, restore balance and bring your power home: Awakening Sovereignty within you.


Awakening Sovereignty is an Immersion for all women; regardless of age, background, education etc. There is no prerequisite to sign-up.
It is a sacred path for women who wants to grow and expand their wings, women who seek a deeper connection to them self and the world around them. Those who feel a desire to live life more authentic in alignment with their natural cycle and in balance with the world around them.
To know more about the content of the Awakening Sovereignty Immersions go to:

Your investment

Expect a full weekend + a day together in our immersion group.
After the first weekend you will bring home the practices, including a comprihensive manual, that will take you through the coming season of Spring.
In between there will be time to integrate the practices, contemplate, explore and self study - how much time you invest in yourself and your practices on a daily basis will be up to you. We will also hold each other to the sacred flame of our Awakening Sovereignty journey together, via a closed Facebook group. When we re-gather some weeks later for a day, we will have had time to experience and do the practices on our own, and we can deepen our experience and practices together.


The Urban Retreat Spring Immersion is only 3330 dkk.

Included in the price is:
More than 18 hours together in our group of women learning, experiencing and growing in a safe and sacred space + one hour 1:1 session online mentoring with Pernille Aven (value of 999 dkk) + a comprehensive manual you can keep returning to year after year + practices that will last you a lifetime + a sacred closed Facebook group to keep each other near when apart + a life changing and transformative journey together with like minded women who wish to grow + a sisterhood of support and love + and much much more


Friday Jan 31st. at 19.00-21.00
Saturday Feb 1st. at 10.00-16.30
Sunday Feb 2nd. at 11.00-15.00
Saturday March 14th. 11.00-17.00

There will be lunch breaks on the long days. You are encouraged to bring your own lunch + snacks + water bottle.
There will be herbal tea through the day.

It is a good idea is not to make any other plans and keep the weekend sacred, this is your weekend of radical self care and shouldn't be disturbed (to much).


Step into your own power, believe in your inherited wisdom, trust your intuition and experience freedom - it is your goddess given right to shine fully this lifetime!

Sign-Up NOW by using the the form below.
You will receive an email within 48 hours, with a confirmation of your spot in the Immersion and payment information.

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