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October Full Moon Sister Circle

  • Physioga Prinsesse Maries Allé 17, 1. tv 1908 Frederiksberg (kort)

The theme for our October Full Moon Sister Circle is: Devotion

☾ How would you define ‘devotion’ and how is it achieved?
☽ How can you commit to a dark season of deep healing?

As Winter continues its journey to our front doors, the dark time of year arrives with inner and outer, seen and unseen changes. The fading of light and drop in temperature can bring along its own traps, triggers and…triumphs.

During this circle we’ll invoke and invite an even more intimate devotion to your personal journey of healing to create and keep an inner light burning during dark cycles and this season of emotions.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

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More info:

We are inviting you to step into a sacred circle, an intimate space for sharing, ritual and support.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together we founded True North Sisters to help women connect and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood.

Our offerings are inspired by the Earth, personal experiences, ancient practices and rituals.

The Sister Circle is always open for new Sisters, as well as those who have been with us since the beginning.

Suggested items to bring:

☾ A journal and something to write with.
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.
☾ A cushion/pillow and blanket for comfort.

Dress intuitively, and be inspired by the seasons.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Peace, love & high blessings to all!
Tanya & Pernille Aven

Senere begivenhed: 22. november
November Sister Circle