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Threshold to Winter - Yoga & Ritual Retreat
til 1. nov.

Threshold to Winter - Yoga & Ritual Retreat

Threshold to Winter
Yoga & Ritual Retreat

at Mellem-Rummet on Samsø
Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2020
facilitated by Pernille Aven Lupai

winter tree

As the Earth releases her last leaves, ready to stand naked, striped and bare Above, through the Winter. We journey Below, as she does, to take a deep dive into our (shadow) self, to see the depths of our Souls.
We nourish our seeds, our roots, because it is from this place that all growth starts.

This long weekend yoga & ritual retreat, falls around the Celtic holiday Samhain with the Full Moon on Saturday 31st (all hollows eve) - being the sacred Threshold to Winter.
This will elevate and set the stage, for our practices together. As well as help you deepen and ignite your intentions for what you wish to work with through the coming season of winter towards the season of spring - the foundation for what your wish to grow.

The Practices

Through various different practices, Pernille Aven will facilitate a sacred space, for you to go deep within your-Self. There will be daily yoga practices + other sacred and embodied movement like dance and meditative walks in nature.
Rituals will be getting us into contemplation exercises including shadow work and journaling. Along with Goddess wisdom, and talks about what it means, to aligning your life with the natural cycles of the season and the moon.

Combined, all the practices will give you an experience of the inherited feminine wisdom you hold within, it will restore balance and bring your power home: Awakening Sovereignty within you and ready for the depths of winter.

The practices is several sessions (not like an ‘average’ yoga retreat). We will be both inside and outside in nature, from early morning to late evening - and of course there will be time to relax on your own too. So you can expect the sessions to be at different times of the day, and with getting your feet ‘dirty’ outside to, as we connect to the elements of nature, as well as rejuvenating movement and exercises inside in the beautiful surroundings of Mellem-Rummet.

A Women Only Retreat

This retreat is for all women and women ONLY.
There is no prerequisite to join, come as you are regardless of age, background, education etc.
The retreat is a sacred path for women who wants to grow and expand their wings, women who seek a deeper connection to them Self and the world around them. Those who feel a desire to live life more authentic in alignment with their natural cycle and in balance with themselves and the world around them.

Your investment

Expect a long weekend of radical self care, when we retreat to Samsø for the Threshold to Winter - Yoga & Ritual Retreat. On this weekend you are fully taken care of, in beautiful surroundings, accommodated in Mellem-Rummet, with all meals included - Vegetarian: breakfast, lunch and dinner + tea, coffee, fruit & snacks through the days.

There will be a full program starting Thursday afternoon/evening and finishing Sunday around noon. But of course there will be time for relaxation and pauses in between the lessons and practices.
After the weekend you will bring home the practices and teachings, that will take you through the coming season of Winter.

And you will get a 60 min. 1:1 online mentoring with Pernille Aven after the retreat (included in the price), as things might come up after you are back home.


The Price for the Winter Immersion is 5550 dkk* including accommodation and all meals+snaks in the beautiful retreat place Mellem-Rummet on Samsø.

*price is for a shared room 2-4 women. If you wish to stay in a single room there will be an additional cost, please let us know when filling out the retreat sign-up form below.

Included in the price is:
More than 18 hours together in our group of women learning, experiencing and growing in a safe and sacred space + all meals and snacks (vegetarian) + accommodation + one hour 1:1 session online mentoring with Pernille Aven (value of 999 dkk) after the Retreat + a life changing and transformative journey together with like minded women who wish to grow + a sisterhood of support and love + and much more

Not included in the price:
Transportation to/from the retreat place


Thursday Oct 29:

Arrival from 14.00

Welcoming Circle at 17.30 followed by Dinner & Evening Yoga Nidra

Friday 30 + Saturday 31:

Full days of sessions inside and outside (including two yoga/sacred-movement practices a day)

3 daily meals + snacks

Time for relaxation

Sunday Nov 1:

8.00 Morning Session

Brunch followed by Closing Circle

Departure around 13.00 (You get a sandwich to bring for the trip home)


Step into your own power, believe in your inherited wisdom, trust your intuition and experience freedom - it is your goddess given right to shine fully this lifetime!

Sign-Up NOW by using the the form below.
You will receive an email within 48 hours, with a confirmation of your spot on the Retreat and payment information.

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November Sister Circle
6.00 PM18.00

November Sister Circle

Dear One,

May all mothers be loved.
May all sisters be strong.
May all daughters be worthy.
May the circle of women live on.

We are inviting you to step into a sacred circle, an intimate space for sharing, ritual and support.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together we founded True North Sisters to help women connect and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood.

Our offerings are inspired by the Earth, personal experiences, ancient practices and rituals.

The Sister Circle is always open for new Sisters, as well as those who have been with us since the beginning.

Suggested items to bring:

☾ A journal and something to write with.
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.
☾ A cushion/pillow and blanket for comfort.

Dress intuitively, and be inspired by the seasons.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Peace, love & high blessings to all!
Tanya Markul & Pernille Aven Lupai



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October Full Moon Sister Circle
6.00 PM18.00

October Full Moon Sister Circle

The theme for our October Full Moon Sister Circle is: Devotion

☾ How would you define ‘devotion’ and how is it achieved?
☽ How can you commit to a dark season of deep healing?

As Winter continues its journey to our front doors, the dark time of year arrives with inner and outer, seen and unseen changes. The fading of light and drop in temperature can bring along its own traps, triggers and…triumphs.

During this circle we’ll invoke and invite an even more intimate devotion to your personal journey of healing to create and keep an inner light burning during dark cycles and this season of emotions.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

☽ ☽ ☽ ☽

More info:

We are inviting you to step into a sacred circle, an intimate space for sharing, ritual and support.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together we founded True North Sisters to help women connect and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood.

Our offerings are inspired by the Earth, personal experiences, ancient practices and rituals.

The Sister Circle is always open for new Sisters, as well as those who have been with us since the beginning.

Suggested items to bring:

☾ A journal and something to write with.
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.
☾ A cushion/pillow and blanket for comfort.

Dress intuitively, and be inspired by the seasons.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Peace, love & high blessings to all!
Tanya & Pernille Aven

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August Sister Circle ☾
7.00 PM19.00

August Sister Circle ☾

The theme for our Black New Moon Circle of August: Abundance & Acceptance.

☽ How do you personally define abundance?
☽ What does acceptance mean for you?

Step into our sacred circle on August’s second new moon, the "black moon", and be invited to reflect on how you are working with the light and dark of your life.

We’ll create prayer and rituals for leaning into this season and cycle of our your life. This circle will up for exploring and sharing what runs, sings and chants through your veins as we enter the realm of Autumn.

In our women’s circle you will find connection and support & listening hearts and ears.

Seats are limited to 12.


Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

☽ ☽ ☽ ☽

More info:

We are inviting you to step into a sacred circle, an intimate space for sharing, ritual and support.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together we founded True North Sisters to help women connect and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood.

Our offerings are inspired by the Earth, personal experiences, ancient practices and rituals.

The Sister Circle is always open for new Sisters, as well as those who have been with us since the beginning.

Suggested items to bring:

☾ A journal and something to write with.
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.
☾ A cushion/pillow and blanket for comfort.

Dress intuitively, and be inspired by the seasons.

Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Peace, love & high blessings to all!
Tanya & Pernille Aven

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Women of Denmark
8.30 AM08.30

Women of Denmark

She’s Out of Control

We're so excited to invite you to spend an entire day with unconventional, refreshing, interesting women who inspire others to grow into the fullest & MOST AUTHENTIC VERSION of themselves in the name of equality, diversity, humanity, community, freedom and peace to all.

This is a pro bono FUNDRAISING EVENT for Danner.

♥ ♥ The day's line-up includes Twerk Queen, Soulsister Podcast Tribe, Thug Unicorn by Tanya Markul, Not the Norm, My Beautiful P, PHYSIOGA, DJ LoveCatt, Future Female Sounds, Pernille Aven Lupai, Astroswan, Laura Storm, Stina Madelaire, Herbal Salvation, Petrine Cora Raven Severin & Constanza Julio Del Rio.

See the FULL inspiring line-up HERE:

♥ Join us on June 22 to celebrate all that it means to be a woman “OUT OF CONTROL” — a woman free to tell her story, fully inhabit her body, own her sexuality, ignite her community & share her work and wisdom with a healing world.

♥ Net proceeds from this special one-day event will be donated to — toward helping STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN in Denmark and beyond.

The event takes place in the newly named culture house, Union , at the heart of Nørrebro!



More info:

With love & respect,
The Women Of Denmark Community

DATE :::::
JUNE 22 9-17

Union KBH





Learn more about Danner :::::

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Sister Circle
6.00 PM18.00

Sister Circle

  • 6 Guldstjernevej København, 2400 Denmark (kort)
  • Google kalender ICS

Dear Sister,

We welcome you with open arms to our sacred circle of women.

We gather around the full or new moon every 40ish days to connect through our hearts and create sisterhood.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together we founded True North Sisters to help women elevate, awaken and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood.

Pernille Aven and Tanya's offering is inspired by their personal relationship with Nature, ancient rituals, folklore and yogic practices.

The Sister Circle is open for women who haven't attended and for those who've been with us since the beginning.

For our gatherings, bring (optional):

☾ A journal and something to write with.
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.

Dress intuitively. Be inspired by the seasons.


This circle is limited to 11 women.


Transfer 200 kr. via MobilePay to Pernille Aven Lupai at 29903901. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Join us to make heart connections and soak in the support of other brave and inspiring women.

Peace, love, and high blessings to all!
Tanya & Pernille Aven

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Currents of the Heart Retreat, Bali, Desa Seni
til 9. mar.

Currents of the Heart Retreat, Bali, Desa Seni

Yoga retreat with Julie Sichlau and Pernille Aven Lupai

Desa Seni, Bali

Follow the currents of your heart and [re]treat yourself in paradise with us.

The waves of life will take you through deep currents, stormy waters and silent rivers. Feeling, flowing and listening to the currents of your heart will make the ride ever so more graceful, even when you are being challenged on an unfamiliar waters.

We are truly excited to welcome you to the Island of the Gods, Bali, March 3rd - 9th, 2019 for an exclusive and luxurious yoga and meditation retreat at Desa Seni Village Resort

A week filled with yoga, meditation and ceremonial rituals in a beautiful, exclusive resort village near the ocean. All to reconnect you to the Currents of your Heart. On this magical retreat we will flow with the currents, experience our hearts opening and allow our bodies to move freely.

We’ll invoke fierce and auspicious Goddesses, ignite our inner spark, rediscover our radiant power of grace, and feel the ocean of abundance flow within us.

Join us for an absolutely stunning journey to Bali at our exclusive, lush and green paradise at Desa Seni.

*** For info in Danish please visit
*** Please go to our Facebook Event for updates and community

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Sister Circle - True North Sisters
2.00 PM14.00

Sister Circle - True North Sisters

Dear Sister 

We welcome you with open arms in to our sacred circle of women. We gather around the full or new moon on a regular basis to connect through our hearts and create sisterhood.

In our Sister Circle you can expect:
☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

The Sister Circle is facilitated by Tanya Markul and Pernille Aven Lupai. Together they founded True North Sisters to help women elevate, awaken and heal in the sacred space of Sisterhood. Through the connection to and inspired by Earth and ancient practices and rituals.

The Sister Circle is always open for new Sisters, as well as those who have been with us since the beginning. 
Some times the sacred space is limited so remember to sign up in advance.

For our Sister Circles, bring (optional):

☾ A journal and something to write with. 
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / chocolate / something from the Earth.

Dress intuitively, and be inspired by the seasons.

Transfer 200kr. via MobilePay to Tanya Markul at 28344101. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Come, join us. Make heart connections and feel the support by other courageous & inspiring women.

Peace, love, and high blessings to all!
Tanya & Pernille Aven

Se begivenhed →
Sister Circle
2.00 PM14.00

Sister Circle

Dear Sister,

Join us and you can expect:

☾ Intention setting / singing-chanting
☾ Sacred ritual / creative exercises
☾ Sharing & group check-in

For our sister circles, bring (optional):

☾ A journal and something to write with. 
☾ Any tools, crystals, or intuitive items to place on our altar during our gathering {all to be taken home after the gathering}.
☾ Altar offering, for example, a fresh flower / sea shell / something from the Earth.

Dress intuitively.

Transfer 200kr. via MobilePay to Tanya Markul at 28344101. Include your NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the transfer.

Come & make heart connections.
Be supported by other courageous & inspiring women.

Peace, love, and high blessings to all!

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