Blessed International Womxn’s Day
I hope you are safe, healthy and with at least all you basic needs met , as you read this.
Unfortunately that is not the case for many, many women around the globe, maybe that is why most protest movements are initiated by women!!
Right now I am in awe in respect, for the women in India leading the farmers protests (if you don't know what I am talking about PLEASE read this article TIME magazine wrote recently, and update yourself accordingly, support if you can).
As women we have a tendency to take a LOT of burdens on our shoulders, and also get a lot of shit thrown our way ~ it is in the feminine nature to care, nurture and hold the tribe together, but it is NOT our job to carry all the burdens and just take shit!!
When it is all too much, we need to gather in circles, protest movements, or just sit and cry on a friends shoulder (it also feels really good to scream by the sea!)
Either way the work to change the world always, always, starts within - within every single one of us!
I LOVE a good word play - especially when it has such a profound meaning! My friend Miz did this, with inspiration from a friend in the UK. I got to hold it high, for one of the BLM protests in Copenhagen last year.
And it has been my inspiration for education within my own white privilege ever since.
Last week I was called a rebel by one of my colleagues ~ first I was surprised, I have never considered myself a rebel!! The thing is; I had clearly stated my boundaries, said no, to letting fear take the lead and no to being manipulated - in a group setting. I had explained my colleague the situation and she smiled and called me a rebel, as a compliment, she then explained me; it was because I go to the front line, make people think, not afraid of the confrontation and not take shit ~ so if that is a rebel, I’ll take that rebel-label any day!
But I wasn’t always like this... It is only because I have walked through the fire many times in my own life, and I rose from the ashes (thanks to all my practices and the women around me) ~ ‘cause I’m never going back to living in fear, being manipulated or having my personal boundaries overstepped, I left that shit with my ex-husband!!
So on this day, I pray, that the rebel will awaken in all of us and one day be the mainstream ~ and I look back on the past year with a rise of feminine initiated protest movements, like BLM, #metoo (revival here in DK) and the women in India - that fills my heart with hope for equality for all, even though we have a long, long way to go 💪🏾💪🏿💪🏽💪🏻 We must continue to be the change, and support in any way we can, for those who's voices are being silent, those who's boundaries are being overstepped, those less privileged than us!!
If you feel like coming together in the sacred space of a womxn circle, I have my next new moon circle in the Ethereal Sanctuary this coming Venus day (aka Friday) March 12 at 20.00 CET (8pm).
Theme is Spring and the upper coming Equinox (the perfect balance between the feminine and masculine) - but I will probable talk a bit about smashing patriarchy too, cause this world is far from balanced yet ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
You can join by signing up here on my website - as I now have a small little boutique there (Jai MA) - it only 111 dkk.
We’ll meet online on Zoom in Ceremony with ritual, talk, contemplation and sharing.
This will be the LAST open circle, before my membership program launches next moon - if you are already curious to know what it will be included in the membership take a look here. I made a sliding scale price, as I want it to be accessible to ALL womxn!!
I hope to see you in the Ethereal Sanctuary and I wish you a rebellious week ahead 💪🏾💪🏿💪🏼
With blessings of love and equality
Pernille Aven